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dokku: Link database to an app.
$ dokku ${db}:link ${db_name} ${app_name}
try on your machine

This command is using the "dokku" command-line tool to link a database named ${db_name} to an application named ${app_name} in a Dokku-powered PaaS (Platform as a Service) environment.

  • "dokku" refers to the Dokku command-line tool, which is used to interact with the Dokku platform.
  • "${db}" is a variable that represents the type of database that you want to link. It could be "mysql", "postgres", "redis", or any other supported database type.
  • ":link" is a command provided by Dokku to link a database to an application.
  • "${db_name}" represents the name or identifier of the database you want to link.
  • "${app_name}" represents the name or identifier of the application you want to link the database to.

By running this command, you are instructing Dokku to link the specified database (${db_name}) to the specified application (${app_name}), allowing the application to access and use the database for data storage or retrieval.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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