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dolphin: Launch the daemon (only required to use the DBus interface).
$ dolphin --daemon
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The command "dolphin --daemon" is used to start the Dolphin file manager in daemon mode.

"Dolphin" refers to the file manager application for the KDE Desktop Environment, commonly used in Linux distributions. It provides a graphical interface to manage files and folders.

The "--daemon" option is used to run Dolphin as a background process or a daemon. When Dolphin is started in daemon mode, it typically opens without a graphical interface, allowing it to provide services or perform tasks in the background. This is useful in situations where you want to access Dolphin's functionality without displaying the full user interface.

For example, running Dolphin in daemon mode may allow other programs or scripts to interact with it to perform file management operations or access files using Dolphin's functionality without the need for a visible user interface.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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