The command "dolt add --all" is used in the Dolt version control system to stage all modifications in the repository for the upcoming commit.
In Dolt, when you make changes to files in your repository, those changes are not automatically included in the next commit. Instead, you need to explicitly add them to the staging area. The staging area is like a temporary storage space where you can review and organize your changes before committing them.
The "dolt add" command is used to add specific changes to the staging area. By default, it only stages the modifications made to existing files, not the new files you may have added.
However, when you use the "--all" flag with the "dolt add" command, it stages all modifications, including both changes to existing files and new files. It essentially adds all changes in the repository to the staging area, preparing them for the next commit.
This can be helpful when you want to commit all the changes you've made in one go without having to stage each file individually. However, it's important to review the changes carefully before committing to ensure that you don't accidentally add unwanted modifications.