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dolt-clone: Clone an existing repository and add a specific remote (defaults to origin).
$ dolt clone --remote ${remote_name} ${repository_url}
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This is a command used to clone a Dolt database repository from a remote server.


  • dolt clone: This is the command that initiates the cloning process of a Dolt repository.
  • --remote ${remote_name}: This flag specifies the name of the remote to be used for cloning. The remote name could be something like "origin" or any other name assigned to your remote server.
  • ${repository_url}: This is the URL of the Dolt repository that you want to clone. It represents the location of the repository on the remote server.

In summary, this command clones a Dolt database repository from a remote server using the specified remote name and repository URL.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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