The command "dolt commit --all" is used in the Dolt version control system to commit all changes made to tracked files in the repository.
When you make changes to files that are being tracked by Dolt, whether it's modifying existing files or adding new ones, these changes are not automatically saved to the repository. Instead, you need to explicitly commit them to create a new version of the repository.
The "--all" option in the command specifies that all changes made to tracked files should be included in the commit. This means that any modifications to existing files or additions of new files will be part of the commit.
For example, if you have made changes to multiple files in your Dolt repository and want to commit all of them, you can run:
dolt commit --all
After executing the command, a new commit will be created with a unique identifier, timestamp, and a commit message associated with the changes, reflecting the changes made to the repository. This allows you to track and manage different versions of your data as you make changes over time.