The command "dolt commit --force" is used in the Dolt version control system.
In Dolt, "commit" is a command used to save changes to the database as a new version. Normally, when you run the "dolt commit" command, Dolt performs a check to ensure that you don't have any uncommitted changes that might be lost. If you do have uncommitted changes, Dolt will ask you to either commit or discard them before proceeding with the commit.
However, if you use the "--force" flag with the "dolt commit" command, it bypasses this check. It allows you to commit changes even if you have uncommitted changes, effectively overwriting any existing uncommitted changes.
Using "dolt commit --force" can be useful if you really want to ignore any uncommitted changes and forcibly commit the new changes. However, it is important to understand the potential consequences of using this command, as it might result in the loss of any uncommitted changes.