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dolt-commit: Allow creating an empty commit, with no changes.
$ dolt commit --allow-empty
try on your machine

The command "dolt commit --allow-empty" is used to create a new commit in a Dolt repository, even if there are no changes to be committed.

In a Dolt repository, commits are used to track changes to the data and structure of a database. By default, Dolt does not allow creating empty commits, meaning that there must be at least one change made to the database in order to create a commit. This ensures that commits are meaningful and reflect actual modifications to the data.

However, in certain situations, you may want to create a commit even if there are no changes. For example, it could be useful to signify a milestone or mark a specific point in the development process, even if there are no changes to the data itself. In such cases, you can use the "--allow-empty" flag with the "dolt commit" command.

When you run "dolt commit --allow-empty", Dolt will create a new commit with an empty diff, indicating that there are no changes. This commit will still have a unique identifier and timestamp, and can be used just like any other commit.

It's worth noting that empty commits should be used judiciously and only when they serve a specific purpose, as they don't provide any actual modifications or improvements to the data.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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