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dolt-config: List all local and global configuration options and their values.
$ dolt config --list
try on your machine

The dolt config --list command is used to display the configuration settings of Dolt, which is a version-controlled SQL database.

When you run this command, it lists all the current configuration settings for the Dolt repository in your current directory. These settings can include various properties such as user name, email, and remote repository URLs.

Each setting is displayed with its configuration key and corresponding value. For example, if you have configured your Dolt repository with your name and email, the output might look like this: Doe

This command is useful to check the current configuration of your Dolt repository and verify the settings that have been applied. It helps ensure that your Dolt database is properly configured and can be used effectively for version control and collaboration.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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