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dolt-sql: Run a single query.
$ dolt sql --query "${INSERT INTO t values (1, 3);}"
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The command you provided is used with the Dolt command-line tool to execute an SQL query in a Dolt database.

Here is an explanation of each part of the command:

  • dolt sql: This is the main command to run SQL queries in a Dolt database.
  • --query: This flag specifies that the following argument is the SQL query to be executed.
  • "${INSERT INTO t values (1, 3);}": This is the actual SQL query that you want to execute. It is enclosed within double quotes to ensure that the entire query is treated as a single argument.

The SQL query itself is simply an INSERT statement that inserts a row with values (1, 3) into the table t. The table t must already exist in your Dolt database for this command to work successfully.

Note that the exact syntax and usage may vary depending on the version of Dolt you are using.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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