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doskey: Save macros to a file for portability.
$ doskey /macros > ${path\to\macinit_file}
try on your machine

The command "doskey" is a command-line utility in the Windows operating system that allows you to create, edit, and recall commands easily from the command prompt.

In this specific command, "doskey /macros" is used to display a list of all defined macros in the command prompt. A macro is a defined shortcut for a longer command or a series of commands.

The ">" symbol is a redirection operator that redirects the output of the "doskey /macros" command to a file. In this case, "${path\to\macinit_file}" represents the path and filename where you want to save the output. You need to replace "${path\to\macinit_file}" with the actual path and filename you desire. The file extension can be anything you prefer.

Overall, this command retrieves a list of macros currently defined in the command prompt and saves it to a file for reference or later use.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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