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doskey: List available macros.
$ doskey /macros
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The command "doskey /macros" is used in the Microsoft DOS (Disk Operating System) or Windows command prompt to display a list of all the user-defined macros that are currently active.

A macro is a sequence of commands or keystrokes that are recorded and saved for future use. It allows users to create shortcuts or automate repetitive tasks in the command prompt environment. The "doskey" command is used to define, edit, and view macros in the command prompt.

When you execute the command "doskey /macros," it lists all the macros that have been defined by the user, along with their corresponding replacement values. Each macro will be displayed with a name and the command string associated with it, which represents the sequence of commands or keystrokes that will be executed when the macro is invoked.

This command is useful for managing and reviewing the macros that have been defined in the command prompt, allowing users to check the existing macros and their associated commands.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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