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dotnet-build: Compile the project or solution in the current directory.
$ dotnet build
try on your machine

The command "dotnet build" is used to compile and build a .NET project. When executed in the command-line interface, it triggers the MSBuild tool, which reads the project file (usually a .csproj or .vbproj file) and compiles the source code into a binary executable or library.

Here's a breakdown of what happens when you run "dotnet build":

  1. The command-line interface searches for a .NET project file in the current directory or any subdirectories.
  2. It reads the project file and identifies the source files, references, and other project configurations included in it.
  3. MSBuild, the build system used by .NET, takes these configurations and sets up the build environment.
  4. MSBuild compiles the source code into intermediate language (IL) code, which is platform-agnostic.
  5. The IL code is then converted into a portable executable (PE) file, which can be executed on the respective platform. For libraries, it is transformed into a class library file.
  6. The compiled output, along with any additional files specified in the project file, is placed in the output directory (by default, it is the "bin" directory).
  7. If the build is successful, you will see a message indicating the success. Otherwise, any build errors or warnings will be displayed, helping you identify and fix issues in your code.

The "dotnet build" command is an essential step in the software development workflow, as it prepares your code for execution or distribution. It compiles the project and validates its structure, ensuring that it is correctly written and adheres to the project configurations.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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