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dotnet-build: Compile for a specific runtime.
$ dotnet build --runtime ${runtime_identifier}
try on your machine

The command dotnet build --runtime ${runtime_identifier} is used for building a .NET project using the .NET CLI (Command Line Interface) tool called dotnet build.

Here's a breakdown of the command and its components:

  • dotnet build: This is the main command that instructs the .NET CLI to build the project. dotnet build is responsible for compiling the source code, resolving dependencies, and generating the necessary output files (e.g., DLLs, EXEs).

  • --runtime: This is a command-line option that specifies the target runtime for which the project should be built. The runtime identifier (RID) is passed as the value for this option. The runtime identifier represents the platform and operating system combination you want to build the project for. It determines the specific versions of .NET Core runtime and dependencies that will be used.

  • ${runtime_identifier}: This is a placeholder that indicates a variable. The actual runtime identifier is expected to be provided as the value when running the command. The value should be a valid runtime identifier for your target platform (e.g., win-x64, linux-arm64).

So if you were to run this command, you would replace ${runtime_identifier} with the desired runtime identifier specific to the platform you are targeting. For example:

dotnet build --runtime win-x64

This would build the project for the Windows x64 platform.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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