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dotnet-ef: Add a new migration.
$ dotnet ef migrations add ${name}
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The command dotnet ef migrations add ${name} is used in the .NET Core framework for Entity Framework (EF) Core to add a new migration to the project.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • dotnet is the command that runs .NET Core CLI (command-line interface) commands.
  • ef is a subcommand specific to Entity Framework Core.
  • migrations is the EF Core command to work with code-first database migrations.
  • add is used to add a new migration to the project.
  • ${name} is a placeholder for the name you provide. It should be replaced with an actual name for the migration.

When you execute this command, EF Core will create a new migration file with the provided name. The migration file contains the changes needed to bring the database schema to the state defined by the project's data model.

After adding a migration, you typically use the dotnet ef database update command to apply the migration and update the database schema based on the changes defined in the migration file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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