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dotnet-ef: Remove the last migration, rolling back the code changes that were done for the latest migration.
$ dotnet ef migrations remove
try on your machine

The dotnet ef migrations remove command is used in the .NET Core command-line interface (CLI) to remove the most recent Entity Framework Core (EF Core) migration from the project.

EF Core is a popular object-relational mapper (ORM) tool that allows developers to work with databases and data models in a more object-oriented way. Migrations in EF Core are used to keep track of changes made to the database schema over time.

When you run the dotnet ef migrations remove command, the following steps usually occur:

  1. The command is executed using the dotnet ef CLI tool.
  2. The remove argument specifies that you want to remove the most recent migration from your project.
  3. EF Core looks at the most recent migration in your project's migrations folder and generates a reverse migration script based on it.
  4. EF Core applies the reverse migration script to the database, undoing the changes made by the most recent migration.
  5. EF Core updates the project's migration history, marking the most recent migration as removed.
  6. The removed migration file is deleted from the project's migrations folder.

It is important to note that the dotnet ef migrations remove command only rolls back the most recent migration and removes it from the project. If any data has been added or modified in the database by the latest migration, it will be lost after the removal.

This command is useful if you realize an error or mistake in the most recent migration and want to undo it. It allows you to fix the issue and then reapply the migrations without losing the entire migration history.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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