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dotnet-ef: Generate a SQL script from migrations range.
$ dotnet ef migrations script ${from_migration} ${to_migration}
try on your machine

The dotnet ef migrations script command is used in Entity Framework Core to generate a SQL script that represents the migration operations necessary to move from one migration to another. The script is created based on the specified range of migrations.

Here is an explanation of the command arguments:

  • ${from_migration}: This argument specifies the starting migration name or ID in the migration history that you want to generate the script from. It can be the name of the migration file or the ID of the migration stored in the database.
  • ${to_migration}: This argument specifies the target migration name or ID in the migration history that you want to generate the script up to. Similar to the previous argument, it can be the name of the migration file or the ID of the migration stored in the database.

By supplying these arguments, the dotnet ef migrations script command will analyze the migration history and generate a SQL script that contains the necessary SQL statements to apply the migrations sequentially from the starting migration to the target migration.

For example, running the following command:

dotnet ef migrations script Initial Create

Will generate a SQL script that represents the migration operations required to move from the "Initial" migration (inclusive) to the "Create" migration (inclusive). The generated script can then be used by a database administrator to apply the migrations manually or to automate the process in a deployment pipeline.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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