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dotnet-ef: List available migrations.
$ dotnet ef migrations list
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The command dotnet ef migrations list is a command-line command used in the .NET Core framework for Entity Framework Core migrations.

When you run this command in the terminal or command prompt within the root directory of your .NET Core project, it lists all the available migrations in your project.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • dotnet: This is the command used to execute .NET Core CLI (Command-Line Interface) commands.

  • ef: This is the command for Entity Framework Core CLI, which provides tools for managing Entity Framework Core migrations.

  • migrations: This is a subcommand specific to Entity Framework Core migrations. It specifies that you want to perform operations related to migrations.

  • list: This is an argument for the migrations subcommand. It tells the Entity Framework Core CLI to list the available migrations in your project.

Essentially, running dotnet ef migrations list displays a list of all the migrations that have been created in your project. Each migration represents a planned or applied change to the database schema.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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