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dotnet-publish: Publish the .NET Core runtime with your application for the specified runtime.
$ dotnet publish --self-contained true --runtime ${runtime_identifier} ${path-to-project_file}
try on your machine

This command is used in the context of the .NET Core framework for publishing a .NET Core application into a self-contained directory or folder. Let's break down the different parts:

  1. dotnet publish: This is the command-line tool "dotnet" used to operate various tasks related to .NET Core projects. In this case, it is used to publish the application.

  2. --self-contained true: By setting this option to "true", it specifies that the published output should be self-contained, meaning it includes all the necessary runtime components and libraries required for the application to run on the target machine. This is particularly useful when the target machine does not have .NET Core runtime installed.

  3. --runtime ${runtime_identifier}: This option specifies the target runtime for the application. The ${runtime_identifier} is a placeholder that needs to be replaced with the actual identifier for the runtime you want to target. For example, if you want to target Linux x64, you would substitute ${runtime_identifier} with linux-x64.

  4. ${path-to-project_file}: This is the path to the project file (typically a .csproj file) of the .NET Core application you want to publish. It specifies the project that needs to be built and published.

In summary, the command dotnet publish --self-contained true --runtime ${runtime_identifier} ${path-to-project_file} is used to publish a .NET Core application, creating a self-contained output that includes all the runtime components necessary for the application to run on the target platform specified by the runtime identifier.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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