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dotnet-restore: Restore dependencies using package source failures as warnings.
$ dotnet restore --ignore-failed-sources
try on your machine

The command "dotnet restore --ignore-failed-sources" is used in the context of the .NET Core framework to perform a package restore operation for a .NET project.

When you execute "dotnet restore", it downloads and installs all the dependencies specified in the project's project.assets.json file from specified NuGet package sources. However, if any of the package sources specified in your project's configuration are unreachable or failing due to network issues, authentication issues, or any other reason, the restore operation will fail.

By adding the "--ignore-failed-sources" flag to the command, you are instructing dotnet to ignore any package sources that fail during the restore process. In other words, it will continue restoring the packages from the remaining sources that are working correctly. This can be useful when you have multiple package sources and you don't want a failed source to interrupt the restore operation entirely.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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