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dotnet-restore: Restore dependencies for a .NET project or solution in the current directory.
$ dotnet restore
try on your machine

The dotnet restore command is used in the .NET ecosystem to restore the dependencies of a .NET project. When you create a .NET project, you often need to reference external libraries and packages. These dependencies are usually specified in a file called "Project file" or "Project.lock.json".

The dotnet restore command reads the project file and downloads the required packages and dependencies from the package repositories, such as NuGet. It ensures that all necessary packages are available locally for building and running the project.

When you run dotnet restore, it will analyze the project file, determine which packages are missing or outdated, and retrieve them from the package source. This process creates a local copy of the packages in the ".NET Core" or "packages" directory within the project.

The dotnet restore command is typically executed before building or running a .NET project. It ensures that the project has all the necessary dependencies and is ready for compilation or execution. If you don't run dotnet restore, you may encounter build errors or missing dependencies when attempting to build or run your project.

Overall, dotnet restore is an important command for managing dependencies in .NET applications and ensuring that your project has all the necessary packages to function correctly.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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