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dotnet: Run a packaged dotnet application (only needs the runtime, the rest of the commands require the .NET Core SDK installed).
$ dotnet ${path-to-application-dll}
try on your machine

The command "dotnet" is used to execute .NET applications on the command-line. It is part of the .NET Core SDK (Software Development Kit) and is used to run applications written using .NET Core.

In the command "dotnet ${path-to-application-dll}", "${path-to-application-dll}" is a placeholder for the actual file path to the application's DLL (Dynamic Link Library) file. The DLL file contains compiled code that can be executed by the .NET runtime.

When this command is executed, the dotnet command-line tool will run the specified application by loading and executing the DLL file. The DLL file is usually the entry point of a .NET application, containing the Main method that serves as the starting point of the application's execution.

For example, if the path to your application's DLL file is "/path/to/myapplication.dll", the command would be executed as:

dotnet /path/to/myapplication.dll

This will start the .NET runtime, load the DLL file, and execute the application according to the code in the DLL.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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