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dpkg-query: List all installed packages.
$ dpkg-query --list
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The command "dpkg-query --list" is used to list all installed packages on a Debian-based Linux distribution.

When you execute this command, it will display a list of all installed packages, including their package names, versions, and descriptions. By default, the list is sorted alphabetically by package name.

Each line of the output represents a package and contains several columns of information. The most common columns displayed include:

  1. Package: The name of the package.
  2. Version: The version number of the package.
  3. Description: A brief description of the package.
  4. Status: The installation status of the package. It can be either "ii" (installed) or "un" (uninstalled).

The "dpkg-query --list" command is often used to gather information about the installed packages on a system, check for specific packages, or verify the installation status of a package.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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