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dpkg-query: Search for packages that own files matching a pattern.
$ dpkg-query --search ${-etc-ld-so-conf-d}
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The command dpkg-query --search ${-etc-ld-so-conf-d} is used to search for a package that owns a specific file or directory. Let's break down the command into its components:

  • dpkg-query: This is the command-line tool used to query information about installed packages in a Debian-based system.

  • --search: This option tells dpkg-query to search for packages that own a specific file or directory.

  • ${-etc-ld-so-conf-d}: This is the argument provided to the --search option. It represents the path to a specific file or directory.

So, the command dpkg-query --search ${-etc-ld-so-conf-d} will search for the package that owns the file or directory specified by ${-etc-ld-so-conf-d}. The ${-etc-ld-so-conf-d} part is likely a variable that holds the path to the /etc/ directory, which contains configuration files for the dynamic linker/loader on a Linux system.

By running this command, you can find out which package owns the /etc/ directory, allowing you to manage or troubleshoot related configuration files or dependencies.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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