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drawing: Open specific files in a new window.
$ drawing --new-window ${path-to-image1 path-to-image2 ---}
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The provided command is not a valid command. It seems to be a shorthand or placeholder for a command that is expecting a list of image paths as arguments.

Here is a possible interpretation of the command:

drawing --new-window ${path-to-image1 path-to-image2 ---}

This command suggests that there's a program or utility called "drawing" that accepts the "--new-window" flag or option. This flag might instruct the program to open the specified image files in new windows for drawing or editing.

The ${path-to-image1 path-to-image2 ---} section indicates that the user should replace ${path-to-image1 path-to-image2 ---} with the actual paths to the image files they want to use. The --- is commonly used to represent a placeholder where multiple values can be provided. For example:

drawing --new-window /path/to/image1.png /path/to/image2.jpg

In this example, the user would replace ${path-to-image1} and ${path-to-image2} with the actual file paths of the desired images. The program would then open these images in new windows, allowing the user to edit or draw on them using the "drawing" program.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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