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driverquery: Exclude the header in the output list.
$ driverquery /nh
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The command "driverquery /nh" is a command used in Windows command prompt or PowerShell to display a list of installed device drivers on a system without displaying the header information.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "driverquery" is the main command that is used to query the installed drivers on a Windows system. It retrieves information about drivers such as their name, type, version, provider, and other details.

  • "/nh" is an option or parameter that modifies the behavior of the "driverquery" command. "/nh" stands for "no header" and when used, it instructs the command not to display the header information when listing the drivers. The header usually includes the column names for each driver attribute (name, type, version, etc.). By excluding the header information, the command output only shows the driver details.

So, when you execute the "driverquery /nh" command, it will display a list of installed device drivers on your system without showing the column header information.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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