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drush: Clear all caches.
$ drush cr
try on your machine

The command "drush cr" is a shortcut for "drush cache-rebuild" in Drupal. When you execute this command in the command line interface, it clears and rebuilds the Drupal cache.

Drupal caches various data to improve website performance. This includes the rendering of pages, database queries, and other computed data. When you make changes to your Drupal site, such as modifying themes, installing modules, or updating configurations, the cache needs to be cleared and rebuilt for the changes to take effect.

By running "drush cr", you initiate a cache rebuild process. Drupal will clear the existing cache and rebuild it by analyzing the updated files and configurations. After the cache rebuild is complete, the changes you made will be reflected on your website.

Using Drush, a command-line tool for Drupal, to execute this command provides an efficient way to clear and rebuild the cache without manually going through the Drupal administration interface.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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