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duc: List all files and directories under /usr/local, showing relative file sizes in a [g]raph.
$ duc ls -Fg ${-usr-local}
try on your machine

The given command "duc ls -Fg ${-usr-local}" seems to have some syntax or typo errors, making it unclear and invalid. However, let's break down the parts of the command to understand its potential purpose:

  1. "duc": This could be referring to a specific command or program called "duc." Without more context or knowledge of this specific tool, it is difficult to provide further explanation or usage details.

  2. "ls": It is a common command in Unix-like operating systems and stands for "list." It is used to display the contents of a directory, listing the files and subdirectories within it.

  3. "-F": This is an option or flag that can be used with the "ls" command. In this case, "-F" alters the output of the "ls" command to display a trailing indicator after each entry, indicating its type. For example, a "/" at the end of a directory name or "@" after symbolic links.

  4. "g": This is another option/flag that could potentially be used with the "ls" command. However, the purpose and exact behavior of this flag depend on the specific implementation of the "ls" command or the tool it belongs to.

  5. "${-usr-local}": This part of the command appears to be a parameter or variable substitution. It seems to be referencing a variable called "-usr-local" (which, note, contains hyphens) and using it as an argument for the "ls" command. However, it is unconventional to use a variable starting with a hyphen, and the name itself is not standard.

To accurately explain the command's purpose or correct any errors, more context or a clear description of the intended functionality is required.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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