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duc: List all files and directories under /usr/local using treeview recursively.
$ duc ls --classify --graph --recursive ${-usr-local}
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The command duc ls --classify --graph --recursive ${-usr-local} is used to perform a specific operation in the duc command-line tool. Here's a breakdown of each component:

  • duc: It is the main command that invokes the duc tool.
  • ls: It is a subcommand of duc used to list information about directories and files.
  • --classify: This option instructs duc to classify files according to their type or purpose. It helps to categorize and identify different types of files, such as documents, images, videos, etc.
  • --graph: This option causes duc to generate a graph or visual representation of the disk usage. It provides a graphical view of how the space is allocated in the given directory or file system.
  • --recursive: This option tells duc to perform the operation recursively, including all subdirectories and their contents.
  • ${-usr-local}: It is a placeholder or variable that holds the path to the directory you want to analyze. In this case, ${-usr-local} is likely the path to the /usr/local directory.

Overall, with this command, you will get a classified listing of the files and directories in the /usr/local directory, including a graphical representation of the disk usage.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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