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duc: List all files and directories under /usr/local, showing relative file sizes in a [g]raph.
$ duc ls --classify --graph ${-usr-local}
try on your machine

The command you provided can be broken down as follows:

  • duc ls: This is the basic command for the duc utility. duc is a disk usage analyzer tool that helps you analyze disk usage and generate reports.

  • --classify: This is an option used with the duc ls command. It enables the classification of files into different categories based on their types (e.g., directories, regular files, symbolic links, and other types).

  • --graph: This is another option used with the duc ls command. It creates a graphical representation of the disk usage, displaying the usage as a graph.

  • ${-usr-local}: This is a variable used to specify the path or directory that you want to analyze with duc. In this case, it seems to be set to -usr-local. However, it is common to use the $ symbol before variable names, so it might be a typo or some incorrect usage. The correct usage could be something like /usr/local instead of -usr-local.

Putting it all together, the command duc ls --classify --graph ${-usr-local} is used to list the files and directories in the specified directory (in this case, the directory represented by ${-usr-local}), classify them into different types, and generate a graphical representation of the disk usage.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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