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dumpcap: Capture packets on a specific interface.
$ dumpcap --interface ${1}
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The given command is dumpcap --interface ${1} which is a command-line interface (CLI) command used to capture network traffic.

  • dumpcap is a command-line utility included within the Wireshark network protocol analyzer software package. It is used to capture packets from a network interface and save them to a file for later analysis.
  • --interface is an option of the dumpcap command, which specifies the network interface from which the packets will be captured. It is followed by the argument ${1}.
  • ${1} is a placeholder that represents the first argument passed to the command when it is executed. It is commonly used in shell scripts or command-line actions, where it refers to the first parameter/argument that is provided after the command itself.

In summary, the command dumpcap --interface ${1} captures network packets using the dumpcap utility, and the specific network interface from which the packets are captured is determined by the first argument provided when executing the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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