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dumpsys: List all services `dumpsys` can give information about.
$ dumpsys -l
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The command "dumpsys -l" is used in the Android operating system to obtain a list of all currently running services on the device.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "dumpsys" is a built-in Android tool that provides detailed information and diagnostic output about various system services.
  • "-l" is an option or flag that stands for "list." It instructs the "dumpsys" tool to provide a list of currently running services.

When you execute the command "dumpsys -l" in the command-line shell or terminal of an Android device, it will retrieve and display a list of all services currently running on the system. These services are components of the Android system that perform various tasks in the background, such as handling notifications, managing network connectivity, controlling hardware features, etc.

This command is often used for troubleshooting, monitoring, or inspecting the state of services on an Android device. It can help developers, system administrators, or advanced users gain insights into the system's services and diagnose any potential issues or conflicts.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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