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dumpsys: Get diagnostic output for all system services.
$ dumpsys
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The "dumpsys" command is a handy tool in Android devices that allows you to access and retrieve extensive information about the system services running on the device. It provides detailed information in the form of system dumps which can be useful for debugging, troubleshooting, or gathering information about various aspects of the device.

When you execute the "dumpsys" command from the command-line interface or shell on an Android device, it provides a list of available system services that you can query for information. Each system service has its own set of commands or options that you can use to retrieve specific information related to that service.

For example, you can use the "dumpsys battery" command to get battery-related information such as the battery level, charging status, health, or even detailed statistics about power consumption. Similarly, the "dumpsys activity" command provides information about the activity stack, recent tasks, or current running processes on the device.

The "dumpsys" command is often used by developers, device manufacturers, or advanced users who need to analyze or diagnose issues on an Android device. It can provide valuable insights into the system's various components, helping them understand the system behavior, identify potential problems, or optimize performance.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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