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dumpsys: Specify a timeout period in seconds (defaults to 10s).
$ dumpsys -t ${8}
try on your machine

The command "dumpsys -t ${8}" invokes the "dumpsys" tool with the option "-t" and a parameter specified by the variable "${8}".

The "dumpsys" tool provides information about system services and their state on an Android device. It allows you to retrieve detailed information about various aspects of the system, such as activity manager, package manager, battery status, network status, etc.

The option "-t" in this command instructs dumpsys to print the specified diagnostic information to the terminal. The output might vary based on the parameter provided.

The variable "${8}" refers to the eighth argument passed to the command, which can be any valid parameter or value supported by the dumpsys command. The exact meaning of "${8}" will depend on the specific usage or context in which this command is being executed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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