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dune: Clean up the workspace.
$ dune clean
try on your machine

The command "dune clean" is used in OCaml and ReasonML development with the Dune build system. "Dune" is a modern and efficient build system that helps compile and manage projects.

The "dune clean" command is used to remove all the compiled files and build artifacts generated by the build system. It essentially cleans up the project directory by deleting all the generated output, including object files, executables, and other build artifacts.

Running "dune clean" is useful when you want to start with a clean slate and rebuild the project from scratch. This command ensures that all the previously compiled files are removed, allowing you to have a fresh build process when you run "dune build" or any other build command again.

By executing "dune clean," you effectively delete all the generated files and reset the project to its initial state, ready for a fresh build.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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