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duperemove: Limit I/O threads (for hashing and dedupe stage) and CPU threads (for duplicate extent finding stage).
$ duperemove -r -d --hashfile=${path-to-hashfile} --io-threads=${N} --cpu-threads=${N} ${path-to-directory}
try on your machine

This command is using the duperemove utility with various options and arguments to analyze and remove duplicate files in a specific directory.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • duperemove: This is the name of the utility being executed.
  • -r: This option tells duperemove to operate recursively, scanning all subdirectories within the provided directory.
  • -d: This option enables the deletion mode, which means it will remove duplicate files instead of just identifying them.
  • --hashfile=${path-to-hashfile}: This option specifies the path to a hashfile. A hashfile stores the hash values of files and is used to compare files efficiently. Provide the path where the hashfile will be stored or read from.
  • --io-threads=${N}: This option controls the number of I/O threads used during the duplicate search process. Replace ${N} with the desired number of threads.
  • --cpu-threads=${N}: This option specifies the number of CPU threads to use during computation. Replace ${N} with the desired number of threads.
  • ${path-to-directory}: This is the path to the directory that needs duplicate files to be identified and possibly removed.

Overall, this command uses duperemove to recursively analyze the specified directory, looking for duplicate files using hashing. If duplicates are found, they will be deleted based on the provided options. The number of I/O and CPU threads can be customized for better performance.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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