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duplicacy: List snapshots of current repository.
$ duplicacy list
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The command "duplicacy list" is used to display the list of backups and snapshot revisions stored in a Duplicacy repository.

Duplicacy is a backup tool that supports incremental, encrypted, and deduplicated backups. It allows users to schedule backups, restore files, and manage storage destinations. The "list" command is one of the many commands provided by Duplicacy to interact with the backups.

When you run "duplicacy list" in the terminal or command line, it will display the available backups along with their revisions. Each revision represents a specific point in time when a backup was taken. The list includes details such as the snapshot ID, the backup ID, the date and time of the backup, and any tags associated with it.

By using this command, users can get an overview of the backups present in the repository, view different revisions, and track when the backups were created. It helps in managing and organizing backups, enabling users to easily select a specific revision for restoration or reference purposes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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