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duti: Set Finder as the default handler for the ftp:// URL scheme.
$ duti -s ${com-apple-Finder} "${ftp}"
try on your machine

The duti -s command is used on macOS to set the default application for a specific file type or URL scheme. Here's a breakdown of the given command:

  • duti: It is the command-line tool used to manipulate default applications on macOS.
  • -s: It stands for "set". This flag is used to specify that we want to set a default application.
  • ${com-apple-Finder}: It represents the bundle identifier of the application that we want to set as the default. In this case, ${com-apple-Finder} refers to the Finder application, which is the default file manager on macOS.
  • "$ftp": It represents the file type or URL scheme for which we want to set the default application. In this case, $ftp is a placeholder that should be replaced with the specific file type or URL scheme, like ".txt" for text files or "http" for HTTP URLs.

So, when executing this command, it sets the default application (Finder) for the specified file type or URL scheme (represented by $ftp).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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