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duti: Display all handlers of a given UTI.
$ duti -l ${uti}
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The command "duti -l ${uti}" is used to list the default application or handler for a specific Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) on macOS.

Here's a breakdown of each element in the command:

  • "duti" is the actual command-line utility that is used to set or query default applications for file types on macOS.

  • "-l" is the flag used with the "duti" command to specify that you want to list the default application or handler for a particular UTI.

  • "${uti}" is a variable that represents the UTI for which you want to determine the default application. A UTI is a unique identifier for a particular type of file or data. For example, "public.jpeg" is the UTI for JPEG image files, "public.png" for PNG image files, etc.

By running the command "duti -l ${uti}", you will get the result, which will be the bundle identifier for the default application associated with the given UTI. The bundle identifier is a unique identifier for an application on macOS.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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