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dvc-checkout: Checkout a specific version of a target from a different Git commit/tag/branch.
$ git checkout ${select} ${target} && dvc checkout ${target}
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This command is a combination of two separate commands, executed sequentially using the && operator.

  1. The first command is git checkout ${select} ${target}. Here, the git checkout command is used to switch to a different branch or commit in a Git repository. ${select} and ${target} are variables that would be replaced with specific branch or commit names. This command is used to navigate or switch to a specific branch or commit in the Git repository.

  2. The second command is dvc checkout ${target}. This command is using DVC (Data Version Control), a tool that works alongside Git to version control and manage large files and datasets. The dvc checkout command is instructing DVC to retrieve or restore the specified target. ${target} is a variable that would typically represent a specific file or dataset being managed by DVC.

By using && between the two commands, it ensures that the second command (dvc checkout) will only be executed if the first command (git checkout) succeeds. It serves as a logical "and" operator, allowing the second command to be executed conditionally based on the success of the first command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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