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dvc-config: Set a local, global, or system level config value.
$ dvc config --local/global/system ${key} ${value}
try on your machine

The command dvc config --local/global/system ${key} ${value} is an instruction for the DVC (Data Version Control) command-line tool to configure a specific setting.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • dvc config: This is the main command for configuring DVC. It allows you to set various settings and options.
  • --local/global/system: This is an argument that specifies whether you want to set the configuration locally (only for the current project/repository), globally (for all DVC projects on your machine), or system-wide (for all users on the machine). You need to choose one of these options based on your specific requirements.
  • ${key}: This is a placeholder that represents the configuration key or name. You need to replace ${key} with the actual key you want to configure. For example, it could be something like core.remote.
  • ${value}: This is a placeholder that represents the value you want to set for the specified key. You need to replace ${value} with the actual value you want to assign to the key. For example, it could be a remote storage URL like s3://my-bucket.

To use this command, you would replace ${key} and ${value} with the appropriate values for your configuration needs. For example, if you want to set the remote storage URL for your DVC project globally, you could use the command:

dvc config --global core.remote s3://my-bucket

This would set the core.remote key to s3://my-bucket as a global configuration.

Remember to consult the DVC documentation or dvc config --help for more information on available configuration keys and their valid values, as well as the implications of local, global, or system-wide configuration.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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