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dvc-config: Set the config value for a key on a project level.
$ dvc config ${key} ${value}
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The command "dvc config ${key} ${value}" is used to set configuration options in DVC (Data Version Control). Here's a detailed explanation of each component:

  • "dvc": It is the command-line tool for DVC that is used for managing and versioning machine learning projects and their associated datasets.

  • "config": It is a subcommand of DVC used to configure various settings and options.

  • "${key}": This represents the configuration key, which is a setting or option you want to modify or set. It can be any valid DVC configuration key.

  • "${value}": This represents the value that you want to assign to the specified key. It can be any valid value corresponding to the configuration key.

When you execute this command by replacing "${key}" with the desired configuration key and "${value}" with the desired value, it modifies the DVC configuration file (.dvc/config) to store the specified key-value pair. These configuration options can control various aspects of DVC behavior, such as remote storage settings, cache configurations, optimizations, etc.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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