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dvc-destroy: Destroy the current project.
$ dvc destroy
try on your machine

The command "dvc destroy" is a command used in the Data Version Control (DVC) tool.

DVC is an open-source tool that helps data science teams manage and version control their data and machine learning models. It works alongside Git to track changes in both data and code.

The "dvc destroy" command is used to remove DVC-related files and configurations from a project. When you run this command, it will:

  1. Remove the ".dvc" directory: This directory contains all the DVC-related files, including the cache, metafiles, and configuration files.

  2. Remove DVC-related files in the ".gitignore" file: The ".gitignore" file is a file that specifies which files and directories Git should ignore. When running "dvc destroy", DVC removes the entries related to DVC from this file.

By running "dvc destroy," you essentially remove the DVC integration from your project, allowing you to start fresh or switch to a different version control system if desired. Note that running this command will not delete your data files or your Git repository; it only removes DVC-related files and configurations.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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