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dvc-destroy: Force destroy the current project.
$ dvc destroy --force
try on your machine

The command "dvc destroy --force" is used in DVC, which is an open-source version control system for machine learning projects.

Here's what the command does:

  • "dvc" is the executable for the DVC command-line tool.
  • "destroy" is a subcommand in DVC that is used to remove unused cache files and directories from the DVC storage, thereby freeing up space.
  • "--force" is an optional flag that can be added to forcefully remove all unused cache files and directories without asking for confirmation.

In summary, the command "dvc destroy --force" will remove all unused cache files and directories in the DVC storage without asking for confirmation. It is a way to clean up the storage space used by DVC.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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