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dvc-diff: Compare DVC tracked files, displaying the output as Markdown.
$ dvc diff --show-md --show-hash ${commit}
try on your machine

The command dvc diff --show-md --show-hash ${commit} is used in the DVC (Data Version Control) tool to view the differences between two commits in a machine-readable format. Let's break down the command:

  • dvc: This is the DVC command-line interface.
  • diff: This specifies the action of displaying the differences between commits.
  • --show-md: This flag instructs DVC to display the differences in a machine-readable format. This means that the output will be structured in a way that can easily be processed by other programs or scripts.
  • --show-hash: This flag tells DVC to display the hash values of the tracked files, which represent the content of the files.
  • ${commit}: This is a placeholder representing the commit identifier. You need to replace ${commit} with the actual commit reference (e.g., a commit hash, branch name, or tag) that you want to compare the differences against.

When you run this command, DVC will analyze the differences between the specified commit and the current state of the project. It will present the changes in a machine-readable format along with the hash values of the changed files.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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