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dvc-diff: Compare the changes in DVC tracked files from 1 Git commit to another.
$ dvc diff ${revision_b} ${revision_a}
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The command "dvc diff ${revision_b} ${revision_a}" is used with the DVC (Data Version Control) tool to compare two different versions of a data pipeline.

Here's the breakdown of the command:

  • "dvc" refers to the DVC command-line interface.
  • "diff" is the specific command in DVC used to compare changes between different versions of a pipeline.
  • "${revision_b}" and "${revision_a}" are placeholders for specifying the revisions or versions of the pipeline that you want to compare. You should replace these placeholders with the actual revisions you want to compare.

When you run this command, DVC will compare the differences between the data pipeline specified by ${revision_b} and ${revision_a}. It will analyze the changes made between these two versions, such as added, modified, or deleted files. The command will provide you with a summary of the differences and any modified or added files or directories. This helps you understand the changes made between the two versions and their impact on the pipeline's output.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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