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dvc-fetch: Fetch changes for all commits.
$ dvc fetch --all-commits
try on your machine

The command "dvc fetch --all-commits" is used in DVC (Data Version Control) to fetch and download all the commits from a remote repository.

DVC is a version control system specifically designed for data and machine learning projects. It allows you to track and manage changes made to your datasets, models, and metrics.

When you use the "dvc fetch --all-commits" command, it connects to the remote storage for your DVC repository and downloads all the commits that have been made since the last fetch or pull operation. This command ensures that you have the latest changes and updates made by you or your teammates.

Fetching commits is useful when you want to synchronize your local repository with the changes made by others or when you want to work with the latest version of the data or model. By using "--all-commits," you ensure that you fetch all the commits, including those made by other users.

After executing this command, you will have all the commits available locally, allowing you to switch between different versions or track the evolution of your data and models in your project.

Note that this command only fetches the commits, it does not apply them to your project automatically. You may need to use additional DVC commands (such as "dvc checkout" or "dvc checkout --rev ") to switch to a specific commit or apply the fetched changes to your working directory.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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