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dvc-init: Initialize a new local repository.
$ dvc init
try on your machine

The dvc init command is used to initialize a new DVC (Data Version Control) repository in your current working directory. DVC is an open-source version control system that is specifically designed for handling large files and machine learning models.

When you run dvc init, it creates the necessary configuration files and folders that are required for DVC to track and manage your data and models. This command sets up the basic structure of the repository and initializes it to be used with DVC.

After running dvc init, you will see a few new files and folders created in your current directory, including:

  • .dvc/: This folder stores DVC-specific configuration and metadata files.
  • .dvcignore: Similar to .gitignore, this file specifies patterns of files or directories that should be ignored by DVC.
  • dvc.yaml (or dvc.yml): This file contains the main configuration for DVC, specifying the data and model file dependencies and their respective commands.

Once the repository is initialized, you can start adding data files and models to be tracked by DVC using dvc add command, and make use of DVC's features like versioning, reproducibility, and data pipeline management.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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