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dvc-init: Initialize DVC without Git.
$ dvc init --no-scm
try on your machine

The command dvc init --no-scm is used to initialize a new DVC (Data Version Control) project without initializing a source control management (SCM) system.

Here is an explanation of the various components of the command:

  • dvc: It refers to the DVC command-line tool.

  • init: The init command is used to initialize a new DVC project. It creates the necessary configuration files and directories to start tracking data and models.

  • --no-scm: This flag specifies that the project should not be initialized with an SCM system. By default, DVC integrates with an existing SCM (such as Git) to provide seamless version control for both code and data. However, this flag prevents DVC from initializing an SCM during project initialization.

By executing dvc init --no-scm, you create a new DVC project without any SCM integration. This can be useful if you don't want DVC to interact with a version control system or if you plan to use DVC independently from code version management.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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