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dvc-init: Initialize DVC in a subdirectory.
$ cd ${path-to-subdir} && dvc init --sudir
try on your machine

This command has two parts separated by the "&&" operator.

  1. The first part, "cd ${path-to-subdir}", changes the current directory to the specified subdirectory. "${path-to-subdir}" is a placeholder for the actual path to the desired subdirectory.

  2. The second part, "dvc init --subdir", is executed only if the previous part (changing directory) is successful. It initializes the DVC (Data Version Control) for the specified subdirectory. DVC is a tool that helps with version controlling and managing datasets in machine learning projects. The "--subdir" flag specifies that the DVC should be initialized only for the subdirectory where the command is executed.

Overall, this command is used to change the current directory to a specific subdirectory and then initialize DVC for that subdirectory.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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