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dvc: Display general help.
$ dvc --help
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The command "dvc --help" is used to request help and display the available commands and options for the DVC (Data Version Control) tool.

DVC is a version control system designed specifically for data science and machine learning projects. It allows you to track the changes made to your machine learning project's data, code, and models in a more efficient and reproducible manner.

When you run the "dvc --help" command, the DVC tool will provide you with a list of commands supported by DVC and a brief description of each command. You can then use these commands to manage and control your data and models effectively.

The "--help" option is a common convention among command-line tools that displays useful information about the tool, including its usage, available commands, and their respective options. By including the "--help" option after the "dvc" command, you are instructing DVC to display its help documentation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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